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"INFJs tend to have a peaceful, calm, and yet mystifying demeanor. Although they may not realize it themselves, people around them usually feel comfortable and at ease. They tend to be rather polite and have a calming aura in the way they speak and carry themselves. They are very easy to be with.

INFJs seek deeper meaning in every aspect of life from their career to their friendships, relationships, and even interactions with random strangers. They try to look at what lies beyond the surface to understand people, situations, experiences, and life more profoundly.

People in this personality type are witty. They always know what to say and can be exceptionally funny when they want to. Most of the time INFJs are hilarious and they can impress anyone with their sense of humor. They are also experts in making the strangest jokes and delivering instant, witty comebacks.

INFJs are creators. They use art as a means to express their innermost feelings and thoughts. Expressing themselves through art makes them feel fulfilled and happy. Whether it is painting, writing, dancing, or anything else, they express their inner self through creative and artistic means.

Because of their strength of intuition (and commensurate detachment from physical reality), many INFJs report feeling like aliens in the world. One INFJ described her experience as “a perpetual sense of deja vu.” Others report feelings of disembodiment. The fact is that many INFJs (and INTJs) seem to experience the world and their bodies quite differently than other types do. It is therefore not uncommon for INFJs to question their own sanity.

INFJs see two people in everyone. They see the public persona, the outer shell, which everyone else sees. But more important, their Ni provides a deeper sense or impression of people, penetrating appearances and revealing hidden motives and intentions. Consequently, INFJs often feel they can see people more clearly than those people can see themselves.

INFJs are far less serious inwardly than they appear outwardly (ENFJs, whose dominant function is a Judging function, are characteristically more serious). INFJs’ inner world is well described as playful, imaginative, colorful, mischievous, and daring. They love playing with ideas, perspectives, theories, images, symbols, and metaphors.

INFJs also enjoy listening to music, watching movies and television, and engaging with people. Perhaps more than anything, they love spending time engrossed in meaningful conversation, which allows them to simultaneously engage their Ni and auxiliary Fe functions. Talking affords INFJs the opportunity to help and enlighten others through their insights. And because of their loquaciousness, INFJs may at times be mistaken for Extraverts.

INFJs can be warm, welcoming, loyal, giving, and self-sacrificing. At the same time, as Introverts, they need time to themselves to recharge their proverbial batteries. This creates an ongoing, even lifelong, struggle for INFJs, trying to balance their own needs and desires with those of others.

INFJs are also perfectionistic when it comes to themselves. They are often much harder on themselves than they are on others. Their Fe makes them more than willing to forgive the offenses and shortcomings of others. But since they see themselves as “knowing better,” they may fail to grant themselves the same degree of grace. They may reason that if they cannot perfectly embody their ideal of the moral life, then how could they reasonably expect anyone else to? In the words of Jesus, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

An INFJ woman upon first meet is like interacting with royalty. She carries herself with quiet subtle confidence, and holds her tongue mostly to listen to you, ask about you, and stare inquisitively into your eyes.

Within the first few minutes of looking at your body language, facial features, and hearing the cadence in your voice, your tone, and noticing the softness in your expressions or how you furrow your brow at the mention of golfing, she’ll have you silently figured out. She’ll understand what you want out of the interaction; whether it be casual, friendly, serious, short term, or long term. She’ll endeavor to dive deeper into your soul whether for boredom or interest, you’ll never truly know at the beginning.

If you are lucky enough to gain her trust, if you are unique enough to harbor her deepest sentiments, and if you are brave enough to call her your own, the passion you saw in her eyes on the first meet will intensify.

She’ll swim in your soul, play in the waters, and appreciate the darkness of your unexplored and undiscovered caves.

She’ll speak to your childhood self who always wanted true and passionate love.

She’ll coddle you and make you feel like the handsome person who never had confidence enough to admit to yourself you are.

She’ll show you the beauty in your own reflection.

She’ll reveal her passions, her profound thoughts, and her artistic fervor in hopes you share the same empathy she had for you.

It will be the deepest and most soulful connection you will ever have with another person if you reciprocate.

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

INFJs place great importance on having things orderly and systematic in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in their lives. On the other hand, INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. They are usually right, and they usually know it. Consequently, INFJs put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions.

INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, most INFJs are protective of their inner selves, sharing only what they choose to share when they choose to share it. They are deep, complex individuals, who are quite private and typically difficult to understand. INFJs hold back part of themselves, and can be secretive.

But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone.

INFJs are naturally warm people, who possess very large and beautiful hearts. They love very deeply, and often care about everyone they meet to some extent. They want to show compassion and warmth towards the people they love, and are extremely supportive individuals. They are incredible listeners, and will absorb information from those around them even when those people are not speaking. The fact that they are so perceptive, makes them great at giving sincere and helpful advice. They can often help their friends and loved ones figure out the most ideal path, and will help them work through whatever issues they are having.

INFJ women are often interested in different topics and hobbies, ones that might not fit into what most other women enjoy. They are drawn to things that have depth and meaning, without much desire for shallow activities. That doesn’t mean they are not feminine, plenty of INFJ women possess many feminine qualities and desires. They simply don’t do things because it is what they “should” do, but instead focus on what holds meaning to them personally. This is both a blessing and a curse in many situations, since they certainly dance to the beat of their own drum. INFJ women do not struggle to find other female friends, they simple struggle to find friendships that they desire to nurture. They want to find people to connect with on a real and deep level, and that certainly isn’t something that is easy to find. When they do find the right people though, the INFJ will hold onto them tightly.

In the presence of strangers or casual acquaintances, INFJs might seem reserved and shy. In reality, INFJs are extremely relational — it just might take a while for this side of the INFJ to come out. Because they feel other people’s pain and joy, they’re able to truly walk in another person’s shoes. Their ability to empathize creates strong bonds of intimacy — perhaps one of the greatest strengths of this personality type.

INFJs are sometimes called the “extroverted introverts” or even ambiverts. They get this nickname because they can be passionate, enthusiastic, and talkative when in the presence of someone they feel comfortable with. Likewise, when they’re fighting for a cause they believe in — like asking people to sign a petition to end animal abuse — they may come across as extroverts. However, INFJs are true introverts who prefer a small circle of friends to a large network of casual acquaintances. And introverts by definition need plenty of downtime to recharge their batteries.

INFJs desire to connect deeply with others. Shallow, one-sided relationships won’t do. Likewise, because they’re introverts, they have limited social energy. So INFJs look for friends or a romantic partner who are their “soul mates.” These are people who truly click with the INFJ and can feed their very real need for authentic connection, intimacy, and meaningful conversation. However, INFJs often struggle to create the kind of relationships they desire. When they do find people with whom they truly connect, it feels like a miracle.

When they walk in a room you notice them- you notice they have war in their eyes and a stoic demeanor. They dont call for attention or strut with attitude, rather they look like they got somewhere else to be- like they’re on a mission; a self fulfilling prophecy. They’re never present.

Often times lost in thought. They’re dwelled in books, lost in paintings, and the mediator of arguments. You’ll find them walking lonesome in the mall or a picnic for one at their local parks, with art supplies spread out. You’ll see them at the bus stop with their headphones on, trying both to avoid and acknowledge every passerby. You’ll see them act random, like pull out a deck of uno playing cards or tarot. Maybe even see them snacking foodies from their pocket.

If you stick around, you get to see a silly and goofy side to them. One who isn’t afraid to be different. They’ll laugh at themselves and you’ll laugh with them. They’ll be scattered brained and contradicting. They’ll love wholeheartedly and genuinely.

Hot and cold behavior is not uncommon for INFJs. We may be mistaken for ambiverts or extroverts but, as introverts, we crave solitude. At the same time, we have a desperate need to be around people and have meaningful conversations. This paradox is often seen in the way INFJs tend to be private, reserved, and enigmatic, but also warm and welcoming towards others.

Because INFJs are obsessed with the human experience, they often love writing, making art, and expressing themselves creatively. However, INFJs also have a scientific and strategic twin within them. Because their Introverted Intuition is paired with Introverted Thinking, INFJs are logical, highly analytical, and likely to experiment with new ideas.

Although INFJs can thrive in “thinking” careers such as medicine and the sciences, our orientation towards human nature makes creative expression necessary for our happiness. The ability to access both our logical and creative sides means that INFJs make great employees, friends, partners, and well-rounded decision-makers.

I’m both a great and terrible public speaker. INFJs are so scatter-minded that they’re often incoherent and illogical in conversations. Memes on the Internet compare the INFJ’s mind to that of a computer that cannot work properly because it has 100 tabs open. This is how I feel when talking to people I don’t know well — I don’t function very well.

Advocates’ unique combination of personality traits makes them complex and quite versatile. For example, Advocates can speak with great passion and conviction, especially when standing up for their ideals. At other times, however, they may choose to be soft-spoken and understated, preferring to keep the peace rather than challenge others.

Advocates may be reserved, but they communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people around them.

Advocates may see helping others as their purpose in life. They are troubled by injustice, and they typically care more about altruism than personal gain. As a result, Advocates tend to step in when they see someone facing unfairness or hardship. Many people with this personality type also aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, in the hope that unfairness and hardship can become things of the past.

Advocates value deep, authentic relationships with others, and they tend to take great care with other people’s feelings. That said, these personalities also need to prioritize reconnecting with themselves. Advocates need to take some time alone now and then to decompress, recharge, and process their thoughts and feelings.

INFJs want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people. They do not tend to share themselves freely but appreciate emotional intimacy with a select, committed few. Although their rich inner life can sometimes make them seem mysterious or private to others, they profoundly value authentic connections with people they trust.

INFJs often appear quiet, caring and sensitive, and may be found listening attentively to someone else’s ideas or concerns. They are highly perceptive about people and want to help others achieve understanding. INFJs are not afraid of complex personal problems; in fact, they are quite complex themselves, and have a rich inner life that few are privy to. They reflect at length on issues of ethics, and feel things deeply.

The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others' emotions and motivations, and will often know how someone else is feeling before that person knows it himself. They trust their insights about others and have strong faith in their ability to read people. Although they are sensitive, they are also reserved; the INFJ is a private sort, and is selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.

While this personality type may be characterized by idealism, this does not mean that INFJs see the world through rose-colored glasses. They understand the world, both the good and the bad, and hope to be able to make it better.

With their strong sense of intuition and emotional understanding, INFJs can be soft-spoken and empathetic. This does not mean that they are push-overs, however. They have deeply held beliefs and an ability to act decisively in order to get what they want.

INFJs also have a talent for language and are usually quite good at expressing themselves. They have a vivid inner life, but they are often hesitant to share this with others except for perhaps those closest to them. While they are quiet and sensitive, they can also be good leaders. Even when they don't take on overt leadership roles, they often act as quiet influencers behind the scenes.

A woman reading in her room by the window. She can look into the life outside but she's content in her own company. She is calm, thoughtful, dreamy. Her face is turned away, indicating the desire not to reveal herself fully."

INFJ dead giveaways:

sep 23 2020 ∞
sep 3 2023 +