engrave my name on the trunk of a pomegranate tree

      • iana. she/her, twenty-two, brazilianㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
      • nature and writing are my favorite things. the arts enchant me. i'm a lover of words and expressions with our body, as in dance or simply as in gestures. loves all animals.

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      • intellectually enthusiastic about every bit of information. marvelous appetite for life and self-discovery. very idealistic. feels at home anywhere. introvert.

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      • horror, fantasy, epic and period pieces. deep sea creatures (esp. cnidarians). wong kar-wai, bi gan. anything dreamlike, from movies to songs. the warm yellow light of a window when it's blue hour. sunlight between leaves. the sea during a storm.
aug 12 2020 ∞
feb 4 2023 +