• there are thousands of cells alive, inside your body, working hard just to keep you alive.
  • put on lipstick. preferably the brightest shade.
  • failure does not mean that you have lost; giving up does.
  • go to sleep. try again tomorrow.
  • stand straight, chin up.
  • in 5 to 10 years, none of this will matter. the test you failed and the one piece of homework you forgot to do won't matter. what people think of you won't matter. the only thing that will matter is what you did and how you did it. the foundation you build up for yourself now is for the long-run.
  • do not get stuck trying to fit into a mold, whether it's a mold others have built for you or one you've built for yourself.
  • use your time wisely; it doesn't last for...
feb 16 2014 ∞
apr 19 2015 +

in which a girl is a special fairy princess goddess creature and the guy is a regular normal human being and they fall in love but since she's magical she's intangible idk man these songs make me feel bitter sweet sad.. Like a tragic love story but it's not exactly tragic bc it's sweet and nice and they're platonic soulmates. But soulmates don't always end up together forevr and ever even if they do get to meet each other. in the end they don't get e/o bc why would they. so he just lives as a ghost in his memories but you don't know if he's actually dead as a ghost or if he's just living like a ghost. time has actually literally stopped for him. OR. he learns to move on but he still remembers and remembers once in a while and it's rly bitter sweet and all. idk if he finds another lover or partner but either way, it has to be sad. omg how about she's the moon??? yaaaas ;-; but that sounds a...

feb 4 2014 ∞
feb 10 2014 +