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    —— current favorites ˚ ⊹

    • better luck next time ‧ lifehouse
    • blind ‧ lifehouse
    • what's the frequency, kenneth? ‧ r.e.m.
    • dead on arrival ‧ fall out boy
    • tennis court ‧ lorde
    • she sings in the morning ‧ pierce the veil
    • we were doomed from the start ‧ fall out boy
    • don't fear the reaper ‧ rose mcdowall
    • saturday ‧ fall out boy
    • rabbiteen ‧ jack off jill
    • one armed scissor ‧ at the drive‧in
mar 13 2022 ∞
jul 25 2024 +
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 — dear gravity, you held me down in this starless city.

    • eri! — they/them
    • intj, jupiter lover
    • made of stardust
may 4 2019 ∞
jul 12 2024 +
nov 24 2021 ∞
oct 21 2023 +
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ericore: ☆ annotated sheet music, palette knives, using playing cards as bookmarks, calloused fingertips, sharing earbuds, doodling on notes, coffee-stained teeth, drawing on bandages, planetariums & art museums, foggy glasses, origami cranes, unkempt hair, band tees as pjs, paint-covered hands, paper stars, the moon, pressing flowers between book pages, oversized t-shirts

jun 19 2021 ∞
may 13 2024 +
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   —— likes ₊˚

bad puns, gift giving, wind chimes, my electric guitar, coffee, detective stories, fall out boy, math, philosophy, cats, rock music, astronomy, classical music, the stars, kind people, my friends, angst, invader zim, tulips, ladybugs, outer space, the smell of fire, baggy clothes, cream soda

   —— dislikes ₊˚

lab reports, nostalgia, highways, tv static, untidiness, bright colors, ginger, hiccups, alcoholic drinks, loud chewing, open fields, sunglasses, sweet foods, the smell of gasoline, overlapping voices, cloves, anti-intellectualism, virtue signaling, parties, drama & gossip, ice cream, string theory, asking for help

may 7 2019 ∞
jul 26 2024 +