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kdramas; trying cdramas • master in the house; 1n2d • purple is my thing Alien monster • biased of cute & aesthetic things • portuguese, barely english • AoT Levi • psychology

listography TERMS
kerol movies (watched 2024)
series (watching | finished | dropped)
anime/manga/cartoon (reading | watching | finished)

Because I have a lot of taurus on the map as to identify with several random facts

  • Emotions are slowly processed and sometimes blocked by practicality and cautious decision making.
  • When drunk: They talk about random shit and will take the time to tell you how much you mean to them in a perfectly honest way. If you’re drinking together, I promise you 97% of your inside jokes will be made then and there. They’ll really look after you if you need it and won’t judge you for anything you do in your drunken state. 10/10 would get drunk with (again).
  • When in love: steady, gentle, attentive; they'll hold you when you cry, they'll be so afraid to let you down. they'll offer to buy you anything you want. they'll promise they won't ever leave you.
jul 25 2016 ∞
jul 25 2016 +

03/06/1997; Lissie INFP

Basicamente se resume ao elemento Ar onde é volátil e precisa de espaço pra fluir.

  • sol: Gêmeos

signo masculino, mutável.Racional. Variedade e mudança. Tédio, necessita de algo com movimento constante, oscilante. Seja em situações ou com pessoas. Flexibilidade e adaptação em qualquer coisa possível e impossível. Conversa muito, pensa demais. Improvisa também. Passa uma aparência que sabe até quando não sabe realmente de x assunto. Emocionalmente bipolar, infelizmente fácil de ser incompreendido. Busca entender os dois lados do problema, sendo confundido com superficialidade. Curioso, intuitivo. Inteligente. Dinâmico.Persuasivo. Por fim, independente. Bagunça. Inquieto. Nunca se expressa claramente.

oct 15 2015 ∞
jul 25 2016 +