selena, 22, she/her, lesbian

  • yeri, haechan, mark, ronan lynch, bokuto + atsumu, eimiko, gansey the iii, killua zoldyck, kaeya + klee + albedo, onewe, aespa

anilist / / tvtime / goodreads / letterboxd

mar 9 2016 ∞
feb 19 2024 +

— leyendo

  • r.f. kuang - the poppy war (50%)
  • jane austen - la abadía de northanger (14%)
  • holly black - the cruel prince (10%)
  • madeline miller - the song of achilles (24%)
  • s.t. gibson - a dowry of blood (46%)

— mirando

  • hannibal s1e2
apr 23 2016 ∞
may 30 2024 +