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notes (15)
notes (try this)
oct 11 2017
notes (notes september 2016)
jan 22 2017
notes (dart 449 - awwwards)
jan 22 2017
notes (dart 449 - midterm)
jan 11 2017
notes (loom kit)
sep 25 2016
notes (Week ??? - October 29)
dec 24 2015
notes (sleeve for doc. info)
oct 27 2013
notes (reasons why jan is the best)
mar 7 2013
notes (chip kidd)
dec 11 2012
notes (dimensions & angles for p.s.)
nov 27 2012
notes (100 day drawing challenge)
nov 21 2012
notes (magazine ideas)
nov 19 2012
notes (sculptors)
oct 3 2012
notes (last things to do for school)
jun 1 2012
notes (tutoring)
mar 11 2012