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So I always have random little excitements of when I find something that I really want to remember. So I hear, do, read, or think about it but then I never write it down so then i forget! I never thought of myself as a lister but it TOTALLY helps with organizing thoughts remembering things that I dont want to forget. I try keeping a journal,or a planner, but that only lasts for about 2 days :) Thi...

  • exercise at least once a day- run on the beach and bike path. YOGA!
  • eat responsibly
    • smaller meals and healthy snacks
  • try not to eat desserts regularly. only on occasion.
  • when im bored and want food, just drink water or have a popsickle.
  • get to bed at a decent hour.
  • cook for myself as often as i can! healthy meals!!
  • NO DAIRY...i will NOT have icecream.
  • wear sunblock more often.
jul 2 2011 ∞
jul 2 2011 +
  • I dont know why, but with you i'd dance in a storm in my best dress.
  • How much do I love you? I'll tell you no lie; how deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?
  • Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper.
jun 27 2011 ∞
aug 15 2011 +
  • "Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

— Rainer Maria Rilke

jun 26 2011 ∞
aug 15 2011 +
  • Hugs
  • Sweets
  • Family
  • The Ocean
  • laughing
  • singing
  • driving in the car with the music blasted
  • deep conversations
  • sleeping
  • working out
  • shopping
  • Chick Flicks
  • Riding Tandem on a bike
  • skydiving!!
  • fruit
  • kissing :*)
  • compliments
  • babies!
  • puppies
  • performing
jul 4 2011 ∞
jul 18 2011 +
  • Take photography and photo shop classes
  • Take a bunch of yoga classes so that I can eventually teach it.
  • Meet a celebrity.
  • Read a Stephen King book!
  • Go to cosmetolegy school!
jun 27 2011 ∞
jul 1 2011 +
  • When I can hear people chewing their food
  • When people are needy and expect me to talk to them 24/7.
  • When people dont flush the toilet..I mean come on!!
  • When certain people always put status' on facebook status': my life sucks, Im so sad so someone please comment on this, Im not pretty, waa waa waa... :/
  • When guys just leave me in the dark...just be honest. It would make everything a lot easier.
  • When u think someones good but then all of a sudden see them doing something totally contradictory...just be true to yourself.
  • When people are intolerant of other cultures...they just dont no anything
jun 27 2011 ∞
jul 8 2011 +
jun 27 2011 ∞
jun 27 2011 +
  • New York to watch broadway.
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Somewhere in Polynesia except maybe Samoa
  • Australia and New Zealand
jun 26 2011 ∞
jun 27 2011 +