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by Gentlemen is a blog written by Cookie about things which are neither made in England, nor created by a Gentlemen (although sometimes that may be the case). I design websites, draw cartoons, drink too much, grow a moustache, live in London and browse the web for interesting stuff - this blog's basically about those things; or xkcd: the blag of webcomic)

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mar 21 2008 ∞
mar 23 2008 +

click on the show links for faster web browsing!

mar 22 2008 ∞
mar 24 2008 +

Space Policies

"Should the next president decide to delay or cancel our next generation spacecraft and rockets for partisan reasons, he or she will be condemning the United States to second-class status in space for decades to come. Delays or cancellations will cause a massive loss of capability as the work force with the knowledge and expertise to take us back to the moon and beyond will retire or move on to other careers. The United States has committed itself to this new direction. The next president must ratify such a commitment." http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/edit...

Barack Obama:

  • Develop the next generation of space vehicles, and complete the international spac...
mar 23 2008 ∞
mar 23 2008 +