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Well where do I begin? First off I am not sure if I am a good list writer I probably just mumble but it is pretty fun to write lists. I hope mine are on topic and don't change haha!! I can thank kelsen for this I hope I please her with my lists!!!



  • So I was standing in line minding my business with my pink purse pretty big cause I like them big (hahah) anywho so it hits this huge usu football player in the calf not a hit more like a tap, he turns to me and was like oh so now you think you can kick me huh? OMG I went red as a cherry, and was like no no I didn't mean to it was my purse. he said jk ya know end of that.

Then Good ole star valley boys come in the usual robert, jeff, chris, sharpie, dakota, so i am minding my business when robert comes and does his famous face push well i immediatly jump backwords and I hit one of the menu signs, and I mean hit hard ouch! Then i was being good jacie and purse hits football player again so he turns sideways like i will have to show you but yeah scary and he says now that was ...

feb 11 2010 ∞
feb 11 2010 +

I have been noticing couples a lot more lately and it has got me thinking of what I want in Mr. Right and all the little things about the life of LOVE! I don't want to get married for a while but man oh man I will tell you I am excited so here we go!!

  • I just love love when a boy gets as excited to see you as you do to see him. Like your on the phone and you come around the corner and you see the excitment in his eyes oh baby!!
  • When you hug him and he lifts you up off your feet!!
  • Cute little innocent kisses on the forehead!!
  • Calls you just to hear your voice and see how your doing.
  • Will listen to you vent about your crazy friends!!
  • I perferably would like him to be in the ...
nov 12 2009 ∞
nov 12 2009 +
  • I will start out with Con's!
  • First week! (Scares the daylights out of you!!)
  • Learning about something you know you will never use!!
  • Teachers or should I say Proffesors who think there the shiz!
  • Mid Terms- you never stop studying!
  • Missing your old GREAT friends!!
  • Getting ready with 5 girls infront of one mirror! (Can be fun at times)
  • Not having dinner made when you get home :(
  • Freezing your A off cause you and your roomies are to tight!
  • Having low fricken water pressure, and not having a clue how to fix it!
  • How fast hair collects on the floor all over. Oh man it is gross!!
  • Having to share a fridge with 5 different people, therefore 6 of the same things i...
oct 11 2009 ∞
oct 12 2009 +
  • I am a very CRAZY person!!
  • I speak my mind, which isn't always a good thing!
  • I have a boyfriend with a 4 year old!!! (Melvie)He found a new gf so were just friends now! :(
  • I have ridden in an ambulance, for capsizing haha!
  • I am up at college, me college come on folks it is weird!! But I LOVE it so much!!!
  • I eat approximately 3-4 oranges a day! Mmmm
  • I love to scream very loud and anoy people!!
oct 11 2009 ∞
nov 3 2009 +

SUMMER SUMMER!!!All the things I AM going to do this summer!!

  • Make enough money for my next year of school!
  • Find me a car!!, no not screacher a real car!
  • Go fourwheeling up spring canyon like old times!
  • Go mudding anywhere there is mud, and roll in it like a pig!
  • ROCK CLIMING!! a lot a lot before annie leaves me for life:(
  • Shoot squirrles, in my undies!!
  • Make it to the top of lewis's peak!
  • Go running every night, ok close to everynight!
  • Sleep over at the swing, and I won't get raped!'
mar 4 2010 ∞
nov 4 2010 +
  • We all know I will start with my Madre CON CON!! She has to be the greatest MOTHER in the WORLD. She is always understanding and lets me be my CRAZY self, and lets me stay out at random hours of the night doing I don't know. AND she is always there for me to ramble or cry too, always and not only is she there she will listen and have something great for me to hear, she always understands and harldy gets mad at me not because she can't get mad she is just understanding that I am a young teenage girl. OH man I could go on for a couple of days or even years, but just know that I LOVE HER, and when she leaves I will be a totally different person without her!
  • FATHER- I have a very interesting relationship with this fella I Love him don't get me wrong, I have learned many things from him, I wish I had a better relationshi...
nov 23 2009 ∞
nov 23 2009 +
  • i know this is an odd list but i am a worrier at times, i know it is sad.
  • where in the heck my life went, i was going to kindergarten yesturday and eating cookies and milk?
  • how in the sam h am i going to get money to pay for over priced college?
  • will i become a person that i will be proud of?
  • how many regrets will i have?
  • will life ever be the same, ever?
  • why does the week go by so fast, and then it just goes again like i don't know, it is beginning to be dumb to me life never stops really, honestly it is a dumb repition we need a new day or something, ok off that high horse.
  • who will my husband be? this one really gets me idk why i just want to know who he is i don't want to search.
  • how many kids will i have, will they be h...
oct 12 2009 ∞
oct 12 2009 +
  • Breaking my arm was pretty sweet, got a cool scar!
  • Shooting squirrels with chels in some awesome attire!
  • Going carp hunting quite often with many different people, and cutting out their eye balls, and squishing there eggs out! Gross but oh so cool people!!
  • Probably spray painting the tunnel I am out of high school so we can write about it!
  • Skinny dipping at like 4 in the morn!!
  • Capsizing a canoe with good ole Dal,Wade,Annie,Chels, and myself!! Then getting to ride in an ambulance!!
  • Going to the swing every time of bordom, and doing some awesome crazy things!!
  • Walking around the loop with steph at midnight and freaking ourselves out!! (Annie had to come get us)
  • Going mudding with stephanie oh man we ha...
oct 11 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +
  • Back pack across europe
  • Go to an island with my special someone
  • ride and elephant
  • ride a camel
  • Sky Dive
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Scuba Diving
  • Live close to the beach one time in my life
  • Punch someone in deserving in the face
  • Run a Marathon only once just once
  • Have a for real food fight
  • Go on a great vacation with my friends
  • Catch a big fish in alaska
  • Go on a pack trip and sleep over
  • Ride in a hot air baloon
  • Ride behind a responsible yet daring driver of a bullet bike
  • Go to Africa, and help little children
  • Go to Austraila
  • Change someones life for the better
feb 4 2010 ∞
nov 4 2010 +
  • Crawling into my memory foam bed, of only it was a queen instead of a twin so I didn't roll into the wall!!
  • Being able to wear normal clothing without a coat ontop of it all to ruin the outfit!!
  • Looking in my mailbox and there being a letter for me! There hasn't been one in awhile but it is ok I am still kicking!!
  • Venting into my pink journal every sunday, it will always listen and won't say much back!
  • Not having very much homework some is actually ok!
  • Taking lot and lots of fun pictures and sharing them with the world of facebook.
  • Telling myself everyday I can do the impossible!
  • Catching someone's eye while passing by.
  • Drinking my Gossners rootbeer milk mmmmmm!!
nov 8 2009 ∞
nov 8 2009 +
  • My Madre!! (My very best friend!!)
  • FOOD!! I like food and don't eat it like a lady I am sorry!!
  • Laughing, and anoyingly I must add, I am good at and enjoy it!!
  • Screaming!! Just for fun most of the time.
  • Scary Movies, I get scared but I like getting scared!
  • My Friends this prob should be first sorry, I have some pretty great friends you know who you are!
  • Getting letters, hahah I only get mail from one person, ANNIE they make my day!!
  • Meeting new people College is a good place for that!
  • Love story books, yes twilight I don't believe in vampires but a girl can dream!
  • Chick Flicks, Yes the NOTEBOOK!! all time fav then Proposal!!
  • Having good and deep conversations, with ...
oct 11 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +