• "The law will not protect you, it's people who do." Cultivate relationships. Then and now be a good teammate.
  • Competence is a performance. Wear lipstick to big meetings. Do your homework.
  • Don't buy into the numbers game of government (salary grades, attendance to foreign trainings). This level of competition is absurd and small-minded. It's scarcity politics.
  • Everything is political, but you choose your own politics. What issues you care for, will fight for. Know your interests when you walk into a room.
  • Keep in mind what things you can change now and not yet. Timing matters. Identify your reform moments.
  • In the bureaucracy, knowledge is power. Again, do your homework.
  • Be always polite, generous with credit, fair. But understand also the limits of one person. Things are not always merit-based.
  • You are very much in the system. Engage with it. Listen. Observe. Find allies. Act.
  • Discern, discern, discern. How to live ethically in a cursed world is a question of how to act.
  • You can always leave. It's your choice to stay. Make the work as meaningful and beautiful as you can and in the end know it was all temporary.
  • Always bear in mind faithfulness.
  • A 2021 addendum: "If you're going to be very fierce, you might also want to be very warm." (Lauren Berlant)
  • 2023 guide question from feminist praxis: How can we best support ourselves and each other, and strengthen our collective protection?
dec 31 2019 ∞
sep 23 2023 +