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I like making lists, I spray too much Febreeze, windmills are cool as hell and I believe there is a song for every good, sad, ugly, and transformative moment in your life. My kids are the coolest people I know and I say that unironically. I always thought I'd marry a boy from Michigan and I don't know why.

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  • Holding your tongue is sometimes better than running your mouth....sometimes :)
  • If you're not an expert at something don't give advice unless it's asked for.
  • I have worked very hard to get where I am but that doesn't mean I've made it to where I'm going.
  • My kids are NOT babies anymore (this one hurts the most)
  • I've finally figured out exactly how to control my unruly hair...24 years is all it took lol
  • I can handle anything as long as I've had a cup of coffee and something to eat.
  • A good skin routine is essential at every age.
  • I'm a lot better at being a Mother than I give myself credit for; it’s also a lot harder than I'm willing to admit at times.
  • I'm learning to make an effort everyday to let go of the past, I thought for a while that if I ignored it long enough things would subside. Instead memories force their way out of me in ways I’m not always aware of.
  • This year I've discovered if you place people on a pedestal you have to expect them to fall from it, it’s the law of gravity and the rule of life.
  • Grown up's like children can be selfish, silly, moody, ungrateful, and downright mean. They're just taller and get to drive cars.
  • The way you view yourself will never be the way other people see you, this can be both a good and bad thing.
  • Yelling doesn’t make people listen if anything it just makes them imagine you with horns.
  • Thongs are very overrated.
  • It is true that you don’t get to choose your family, but you do get to choose who has your phone number.
  • Kids will say EXACTLY what they’re thinking, asking them to filter that is just a crime and makes for some very boring people.
  • Speaking of children this year I’ve learned mine behave exactly like I did at their age…I hope this pattern ends when they turn 13.
  • At 24 I’m understanding more and more why my parents made the choices and did the things they did when I was younger, although painful and hard for me to comprehend it made me one tough cookie. I know to never settle for less than what I’d expect from myself. Not to make promises I’m not going to keep. Not to keep what I’m feeling inside, even if what I’m feeling may hurt some feelings.

I still have a month left to enjoy 24 that leaves plenty of time to add to this.

aug 17 2010 ∞
apr 22 2024 +